Tales of Myco: Bacteriumville’s Ancient Wanderer
In the bustling metropolis of Bacteriumville, there lived a unique bacterium named Myco. Myco was no ordinary inhabitant; she was a member of the renowned Tuberculosis family, known scientifically as Mycobacterium tuberculosis . Her lineage was ancient, with roots tracing back nearly 3 million years, and her kind had been around since the dawn of humanity itself. Myco was a storyteller, and her favorite tale to recount was that of her great discovery by the human Dr. Robert Koch on March 24, 1882 - when her crimes took the life of one person for every 7 people living in US and Europe. This event marked a pivotal moment in human history, as it led to a deeper understanding of the disease that had plagued mankind for centuries. In Bacteriumville, Myco was known for her waxy coat, a distinctive feature that made her stand out from the crowd. This coat, rich in mycolic acid, was not just for show; it was her armor, protecting her from the harsh environment outside. Despite her tough exteri...